3 Jobs (Watendaji)
3 Jobs (Watendaji) at NANYAMBA Town Council July, 2020. Mtwara is the capital city of Mtwara Region in southeastern Tanzania. In the 1940s, it was planned and constructed as the export facility for the disastrous Tanganyika groundnut scheme, but was somewhat neglected when the scheme was abandoned in 1951.
Jobs NANYAMBA Town Council July, 2020
Deadline for receiving applications is 10 August, 2020
3 Jobs (Watendaji) at NANYAMBA Town Council July, 2020. Mtwara is the capital city of Mtwara Region in southeastern Tanzania. In the 1940s, it was planned and constructed as the export facility for the disastrous Tanganyika groundnut scheme, but was somewhat neglected when the scheme was abandoned in 1951.
Jobs NANYAMBA Town Council July, 2020
Deadline for receiving applications is 10 August, 2020