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Vacancy Title – Biomedical Programme Officer – Post (01) 

 Organization: Youth Wings (YW) - Tanzania. Duty Station: Meru DC - Arusha, Tanzania.  Reports to: Programme Manager. Start Date: October 2021. 


Youth Wings (YW) is a Youth-Led CSO based in Arusha whose purpose is to respond to the rights and needs  of young generations caught up in the turbulence in achieving their ambitionsto reach their fullest potential.  YW is dedicated to advocates for the improvement of health services, economic opportunities and equity  social wellbeing of Tanzanian youths who are vulnerable to contract HIV. It expands its interventions to all  parts of mainland Tanzania with the focus on Sexual and Reproductive Health Services (SRH), Civic  Engagement, Human Rights, HIV & AIDS, Harm Reduction, Child Protection and Economic Empowerment.  

About the Role 

Youth Wings is implementing a project named Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) in  Arusha Region in two councils Arusha DC & CC. EPIC is a global project funded by the U.S. President’s  Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) which  is dedicated to achieving and maintaining HIV epidemic control. Youth Wings Tanzania is extending its  interventions to a new District in Arusha – Meru DC and it is currently recruiting for the position of  Biomedical Programme Officer to fill the vacancy of the existing project (EpiC). 

The Biomedical Programme Officer will provide technical support in the implementation and expansion of  integrated HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment services in health facilities and communities and  beneficiaries targeted by the Project i.e. community-based HIV testing and counselling (CBHTC), pre exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), HIV self-testing (HIVST), linkage to care, family planning (FP), services for  gender-based violence (GBV) victims, and sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening. This position  requires experience in working with KVP programs and the ability to interact well with targeted KVP  (beneficiaries), peer educators, navigators and health service providers from the health facilities in a non 

stigmatized and non-judgmental manner. Reporting directly to the Programme Manager, the Biomedical  Programme Officer will be responsible for the quality delivery of the EPIC project across the Meru District.  This is contingent on effective coordination, supervision and structured capacity building of local peers’  groups implementing in Project delivery. 

Major Responsibilities: 

  • Develop a clear route plan for day-to-day program implementation across Meru-DC including  supervision of health service providers in their field activities. 
  • Lead the coordination, supervision and provision of HIV testing and Services (HTS), HIVST, PrEP,  Recency testing, family planning service provision, linkages to care and treatment support, and  referrals to GBV, TB, STI and other biomedical services. 
  • Monitor uptake of HIV testing and treatment cascade including testing and treat and identify gaps  to improve uptake of treatment initiation, linkage, and retention in care. 
  • Collaborate with implementing partners and other stakeholders to develop strategies for  strengthening retention to care and treatment clinics by ensuring a continuum of care. 
  • Organize and engage health service providers from the health facilities to provide support in high  yield testing strategies including mobile and index testing services in the community.
  • Provide ongoing coaching, mentoring and hands-on supervision to biomedical providers in mobile  outreach, index testing and partner notification modalities ensuring monthly planned activities are  implemented and all service providers reach their allotted targets with fidelity. 
  • Ensure all biomedical services are provided following the National Standards of care and project  SOP are implemented in both mobile outreach and health facilities (including IQC/EQC and  proficiency test. 
  • Participate in the training of health service providers from the selected health facilities through  collaborating with R/CHMTs to identify training needs and organize basic refresher training using  the recommended national curriculums. 
  • Develop and maintain good working relationships with local government authorities, implementing  partners within the district and region. 
  • Liaise with Data Manager to ensure that community program indicators on KVP are functional (e.g. -clarity of indicators, quality of M&E data collection tool, data quality and reporting)
  •  Ensure close coordination with the CHMT members in performance monitoring, joint supportive  field supervision at the site/council level and ensure the outcomes of the visits are documented and  recommendations implemented. 
  • Ensure quality of implementation of KVP programs and sound achieve results for activities within  EpiC project. 
  • Ensure jointly coordination work with facility implementing partners at the council level to develop  a sound Bi-directional referral network and ensure quality biomedical services are provided to KVPs. 
  • Monitor regional supplies of biomedical commodities and liaise with DACC and the DMO office to  ensure prompt procurement of biomedical commodities and adequate supplies. 
  • Ensure all service providers properly fill all required National and Project M&E tools and timely  submission of service reports appropriately, including monthly summary reports to the catchment  health facilities.
  • Document and disseminate knowledge or information regarding lessons learnt proven approaches  and success stories. 
  • Perform any other duties assigned by the line manager.

Person Specification: 

  • Minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree or Advance diploma (Nurse/ Medical) with 2-5 years  experience in the provision of community-based biomedical and KVP focused clinical services. 
  •  Knowledge of health and development programs in Tanzania including familiarity with relevant  national guidelines, standards, and protocols.  
  • Familiarity with the public health sector at regional, district and council levels and experience  working with these teams. 
  • Ability to provide on job training and mentorship to service providers in reaching beneficiaries  with biomedical services and documentation in government and project registers. ∙ Ability and willingness to interact well with targeted populations including peers by facilitating  a non-judgmental, confidentiality, non-discriminatory and non-stigmatizing environment in the  program regardless of their background. 
  • Customer-focused interpersonal skills to interact effectively with practitioners, literate and non literate audiences, the interdisciplinary health care team, community agencies, patients, and  families with diverse opinions, values, and religious and cultural ideals. 
  • Strong understanding and demonstrable experience of results-based management processes,  including taking responsibility for M&E informing Programme management and development. 
  •  Demonstrable experience in providing effective Programme coordination and targeted  capacity-building support to Health Care Workers to deliver a comprehensive package including  HTS, TB, ST and GBV screening, PrEP, HIVST and linking to relevant facilities. 
  • Strong understanding and demonstrable experience of working closely with local government  structures, systems and strategic points of engagement to integrate programmatic priorities in  local government processes. 
  • Ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines.
  • Basic skills of Microsoft Office packages for report writing and presentation. 
  • Flexibility to work beyond normal working hours and weekends including travelling to remote  areas for HTS and other essential KVP interventions. 
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in Swahili and English. 

How to Apply: 

Youth Wings is an Equal Opportunity Employer and has a competitive compensation package. Interested  candidates are encouraged to apply online through recruitment.youthwings@gmail.com by uploading an  Application Letter and Curriculum Vitae (CV)/Resume with Names and Addresses of three (3) referees and  clearly write the vacancy job title in the subject line. 

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted and Qualified Female Candidates are encouraged to apply. The deadline for submitting the application is: (12:00 PM) 30th September 2021 

NB: Thisjob posting summarizes the main duties of the job. It neither prescribes nor restricts the exact tasks  that may be assigned to carry out these duties. This document should not be construed in any way to  represent a contract of employment. Management reserves the right to review and revise this document at  any time. Youth Wings is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer whereby we do not engage  in practices that discriminate against any person employed or seeking employment based on race, colour,  religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status and physical  or mental disability.

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