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Company Description

1.0. Introduction

SNV Netherlands Development Organization, funded by DANIDA and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), is planning to implement the Opportunities for Youth Employment (OYE) project – second phase in Tanzania for the period of three years commencing April 2021 to March 2024. The OYE project has a strong focus on self-employment creation and empowerment of rural, out-of-school youth between the ages of 18 and 30 years. Particular emphasis is placed on gender equality. The direct aim of the three-year second phase is to improve the livelihoods of 4,250 youth; rural (3,200) and peri-urban (1,050) out-of-school youth between the ages of 18 and 30 years.  The approach adopted by the project is characterized by localised, flexible, accessible, practical, and market-relevant skills training, and matching skilled youth with markets for employment and enterprise development. The first phase of OYE has demonstrated that the approach produces relatively quick and solid results in terms of (self) – employment creation and improving livelihoods of rural out-of-school youth and for the communities in which they reside. The return on investment is impressive; OYE youth have generated income amounts equivalent to the investment cost within one year of having entered (self)-employment. The OYE project was not intended to completely and finally solve youth unemployment in rural Tanzania, but rather to test an alternative approach that, if further developed, scaled up and replicated by others, could over time become a sustainable and effective solution for the ever-growing challenge of youth unemployment/under-employment, and rural to urban migration.

This next, three-year phase, the OYE project will move to higher strategic levels characterised by: strategically engaging with stakeholders in public and private sectors for longer lasting scale and impact; deepening the quality of our gender strategy beyond achieving quantitative targets; applying more flexible and responsive interventions based on market trends and opportunities and; prioritising youth peer to peer learning and youth leadership development.

2. Overall aim and objectives for the OYE phase 2 project

The direct aim of the three-year second phase is to improve the livelihoods of 4,250 rural (3,200) and peri-urban (1,050) out-of-school youth between the ages of 18 and 30 years. Improved livelihoods are defined as consisting of the following key indicators:

1.    Improved financial security in terms of regular, diversified, year-round income

2.    Key asset acquisition in terms of land, housing, livestock, transportation, and household appliances

3.    Increased resilience, self-confidence, and ability to recognize and grasp business opportunities, as well as assuming leadership roles in economic and public life

3.0. Specific tasks for local partners

SNV is seeking to sub-contract local service providers that can contribute to implementation of the planned activities outlined in the table below:

Job Description


Additional Information

Terms of Appointment

This is a Consulting work

If you believe that you or your organization has the required credentials as outlined profile, we invite you to apply by uploading your application.  The assignment will run from 1st July 2021 to 31st March 2022. The following timeline should be adhered to. SNV reserves the right to reject outright any applications that do not meet the application requirements listed above. All information will be in the strictest confidence.  Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted


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